Clean Air Oly: cleaner air, safer gigs, greater access.

How to Choose a Mask zine!

How to Choose a Mask mini zine

Printable PDF | Readable PDF | Purchase | Donate

A quick little guide to choosing a respirator!

Click here to learn how to fold a mini zine.



Sources cited in the zine

Source 1

Source 2

Source 3

Source 4

Source 5

Source 6



Clean Air Oly

Mask Bloc Olympia STCAS

Covid Safe(r) Oly + Greater PNW

Mask Bloc Seattle

Seattle Clean Air Collective


Clean Air Club

Extremely comprehensive mask guide from Mask Bloc Seattle

Where to buy reputible masks

How to spot counterfit masks

Covid Action Map

Covid Is Airborne

Mar's Pandemical Survival Guide 2.0

People's CDC

Smarter HEPA (This is an affiliate link. HMU for discounts!)

We Have The Tools


To contact me with feedback, questions (related to printing or anything!), ideas, corrections, helping hands, etc:

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