Gofundme: Donations go towards the lending library unless marked for the grant program. Gofundme donations are used to purchase air purifiers, replacement filters, CO2 monitors, Pluslife reader and tests, and any other operating costs the lending library incurs.
Grant program: New! The grant program awards air purifier micro grants to Thurston & Pierce county residents, with priority given to immunocompromised/disabled/high risk QTBIPOC.
Mask fund: New! Mask fund donations go towards purchasing masks to be distributed for free in the community through Mask Bloc Olympia.
Other ways to donate
Please include a note like "clean air oly" or "purifier grant program" or "mask fund" so I know what it's for.
Venmo (@dodiy) | Paypal | Cashapp ($dreemmachine)
I also have a wishlist here!
I keep track of purchases and donations in this financial accountability doc. Feel free to contact me with any questions! cleanairoly@gmail.com