It is 100% free to borrow an air purifier. Check out the calendar and then fill out the request form (preferably one week in advance of your event).
Smart Air Blast Mini - MKII [user manual] [borrow me!]
Great for big rooms; live music, markets, fundraisers, etc! Cleans 1,230 sq ft 5 times per hour (5ACH). Features HEPA filter for covid/allergens & carbon filter to minimize VOCs (info about carbon filters). Delivers 820 cubic feet per minute (CFM) of clean air.
Transport info: Weighs 61 lbs, has shitty lil wheels (mind the power cord!), no handles, dimensions are 23" L x 25" H x 14" W.
Clean Air Kits Luggable XXL [specs] [borrow me! 2 available!]
Great for medium-big rooms; readings, meetings, quiet events. Cleans 565 sq ft five times per hour (5ACH) (or borrow both to cover 1,130 sq ft!). Clean Air Kits use MERV13 filters & computer fans, making them extremely quiet, lightweight & energy efficient. No carbon filter in this one, so you may wanna borrow a different filter if VOCs are a concern. Delivers 377 CFM (cubic ft per minute) of clean air. Easy to carry up & down stairs.
Transport info: Weighs 10 lbs, has a handle, dimensions are 25" L x 25" H x 7" W.
Smart Air S [user manual] [borrow me!]
For meeting rooms/other small rooms. Cleans 360 sq ft 5 times per hour (5ACH). Features HEPA filter for covid/allergens & carbon filter to minimize VOCs (info about carbon filters).
Transport info: Weighs 10 lbs, dimensions are 13" x 13" x 14.3", no handle.
Aranet4 (CO2 monitor) [more info] [borrow me!]
A lil device that measures the CO2 (exhaled air) levels in a room. Higher CO2 levels mean more covid risk, so when the numbers get high, it's time to increase airflow! This can be achieved by opening windows & utilizing fans. This is a handy tool to use in conjunction with air purifiers. It is small (palm sized) & light weight. It runs on batteries.
Westinghouse 1804 Portable HEPA [product page] [borrow me!]
Lightweight, portable air purifier that can be reserved for doctors appointments and other small spaces. Has additional filter for VOCs. Maximum recommended room size 100 sq ft. Can run on battery or be plugged in. Dimensions are: 6.3"L x 6.3"W x 3.5"H. Weighs about 5 lbs, has a handle.
Pluslife [more info]
Molecular Covid tester (PCR level accuracy)
Contact me to request:
Please consider making a $5-10 donation if you're able; this will go towards ordering more tests for the reader.
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